Another Melbourne Lifestyle Blog?
Well no, not exactly. Around Melbourne is a place where Melbourne’s biggest and smallest accomplishments are celebrated. Our goal is to bring readers the businesses they want to support and the initiatives they want to be a part of in this unbiased Melbourne lifestyle blog.
You’ll find Andrew and Claire behind the scenes of Around Melbourne. Both writers and marketers, we’re partial to an oat latte and a good kebab hook-up. Our Melbourne lifestyle blog will spotlight new and old attractions around Melbourne, whether it’s a wholesome hiking trail or exploring a new speakeasy.
You can also follow us on Instagram or Pinterest to see where we are Around Melbourne and the surrounding destinations that beckon us North, South, East and West.
Are we missing out on a new venue or not giving you the content you want – contact our team today. We’ll take any excuse to hit the streets and grab a drink or a feed.
Want to collaborate?
We would love that! You can jump on Instagram and check out the types of places we frequent. Be sure to read some of our blogs to learn how our exposure can help you and your brand capture the attention of some Melbournians and beyond.
We want to hear about anything exciting happening in or at your Melbourne business so that we can help get the message out. We can do so with a blog article, an email newsletter or some posts on Instagram, Pinterest or Facebook. As seasoned writers and marketers, we can bring some ideas to the table if you are not sure what you want right away.
Want to chat with us direct? Let’s do it! Drop us an email on [email protected] and let’s discuss what a potential collaboration could look like.